O que é uma broca de terra?

The first question you might be wondering is,  what is an earth auger? These are simple tools designed to help you drill holes of various sizes. Often lightweight and inexpensive, earth augers can help you with any task—from planting bulbs and grass plugs to digging post holes.
  • How to choose the right earth auger?
  • How to use an earth auger?
  • What is the use value of the earth auger?

How to choose the right earth auger?

To choose the earth auger that best suits your needs, consider how you will use it. For example, if you plan to only use an  earth auger for planting plugs, a 2 or 3 inch earth auger will suit your needs. Although if you also anticipate needing to bury stakes or set up small posts, then you may prefer a 4" earth auger or other larger size earth auger.
Also keep in mind the length. The shorter earth auger requires you to keep your hands and knees on the ground while digging, while the longer 48" earth auger allows you to dig holes while standing. If back pain is an issue, then use a longer earth auger to minimize stress.
earth augers can be used for a variety of tasks—from helping you put your bedding in the ground in the spring, to drilling through ice or mixing paint.

How to use an earth auger?

The earth auger is easy to use. With the exception of our two largest earth augers designed to fit powerheads, all of our earth augers are made with hex heads so that they fit standard drill chucks. To use the earth auger, simply attach the hex head to the drill or cordless drill. Once it's safe, you can start digging. For larger holes, you may need to dig a small pilot hole before starting. Then, place the tip of the earth auger in the center of the hole you plan to dig and activate the drill or powerhead. Make sure to keep the earth auger vertical and ready when digging - the bit will bounce slightly in your hand as the earth auger starts to bite into the soil. Once the earth auger starts digging, there is no need to press it. Just let the earth auger dig until you reach the desired depth, and then you can safely remove the tool from the hole.

What is the use value of the earth auger?

To understand why you might need an earth auger, it's helpful to understand how an earth augerdiffers from other garden tools. The tools most people are likely to use for digging—shovels,  pile-hole diggers, digging sticks, etc.—require a lot of arm and hand strength. Additionally, these tools require the user to bend over while working, putting a lot of stress on the back. earth augers get the job done faster than shovels while allowing the operator to stand upright. Since the earth auger should remain stationary while drilling, there is also less pressure on the hand and arm.
From 2008, our R&D team has focused on developing our own design products, including hand-held earth auger machines, ice earth auger drill machines, backpack type core drill machines and earth auger bits. Until now, we have more than 50 models of machines suited for different countries in different areas.
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